Spurs, Bunions, Flat Feet Foot Care.

Spurs And Flat Feet

Some patients are born or develop problems with their feet that can become serious if left untreated.  Fortunately many of these problems can be relieved with Orthoses. Orthoses (or as they are commonly known as shoe insoles)  will accommodate and cushion the foot of the patient who needs them.  Orthoses can be used to alleviate the pain of heel spurs and flat feet.  They may also be used to cushion painful calluses or bunion deformities.  They may be uses in patients with flat feet to help raise the arch and decrease the pain associated with flat feet. 

Orthoses also play a key role in helping young patients from developing serious problems as they get older.The younger patient may use insoles to correct in-toeing.  They may help give the younger patient an arch or increase the shape of their arch.  They may help the young patient with various foot problems such as heel pain or toe pain.  The insole may help arrest future foot problems such as bunions or hammer toes.  If left untreated, this condition will affect the way the patient will walk as they grow older.

Orthoses In Older Patients

The Foot Doctor may prescribe Orthoses (shoe insoles) to help the older patient treat pain in heel spurs, foot arch, and the forefoot.  The insole is usually  the length of the entire shoe and may have various sections of padding or cushioning  to deal with the patient’s foot issue.   The orthoses or insoles are as necessary to a person with foot problems as eyeglasses are to a person that needs them. The Foot Doctor usually takes an impression of the patient’s feet and sends it to a specialized lab that makes them to fit properly thus alleviating pain, discomfort, and future problems.  Foot Care Specialist Doctor Anthony Chionis can examine you for an impression and send them to a lab for proper fitting.

Treating Painful Bunions

Bunions are a term nearly every person has either heard or suffers from on a daily basis.  So what is a bunion?  A bunion is a painful hallux valgus deformity. What is that exactly? The big toe has two bones and the second bone that connects the toe to the foot is the proximal phalanx. 
The proximal phalanx forms a joint with first metatarsal and that joint is critical in normal walking.  If that joint lacks the necessary range or ability to move, then the muscles and tendons start to function incorrectly. When the muscle misfires or pulls the first metatarsal in the wrong way, then the bone starts to move to the side.  When the bone moves, it starts to rotate and drifts over to the side.
This patient complained about their painful bunion located on their right foot.  This bunion can be treated by shoe gear changes,modifications,orthoses and last resort surgery.
This patient complained about a painful bunion on their right foot. This bunion can be treated by shoe gear changes, modifications,orthoses and last resort surgery.
Bunions are treated in a variety of ways.  The most conservative way to treat a bunion is with shoe changes.  Usually the patient is advised by the Foot Doctor to have their feet measured and to purchase  the correct shoe size and width.  It is usually recommended that the patient with a bunion wear a shoe with a square or rounded toe box, and must have the required depth for the foot to maneuver properly. The next step is usually various physical therapy treatment exercises or treatments such as ultra sound , contrast baths, and injections.  The last step before surgery is almost always insoles.  If you have the beginning of this condition, you should call Foot Care Specialist Doctor Anthony Chionis for an examination, he will guide you to the proper treating for painful bunions.
If you are suffering from any of the above conditions, you will need a foot care specialist.  Why not call Foot  Doctor Anthony Chionis – Podiatrist at one of his locations for free consultation by phone or email him at www.doctorchionis@aol.com.