Tag Archives: neuropathy

Frostbite And Your Feet

What Is Frostbite Feet?


Is cold weather day after day good for your feet?  The answer is NO!  One must protect their feet when the temperature is freezing for days and weeks. Here is a few random thoughts as winter months is upon us regarding frostbite and your feet.


Beware Of Winter 
The winter months can adversely affect a person’s feet in a variety of ways. This winter has experience extreme cold severe temperatures.  If a person is exposed to the extreme cold, they may suffer frostbite.  The Foot Doctor-Specialist is able to evaluate the condition and determine the severity of the condition as it relates to the foot.  There are 3 degrees of frostbite and each degree has its own prognosis and treatment plan.  The Foot Doctor-Specialist is able to treat the condition depending on the degree of frostbite that the foot may have suffered.


Some Of The Conditions
Sometimes patients present to the Foot Doctor-Specialist with conditions that may be mistaken for many other diagnoses.  One type of condition that usually occurs in the winter months is called RAYNAUDS  phenomenon.  This phenomenon can occur when a person may develop problems with their toes.  The person may experience toes that are white in color than blue and finally red.  The Foot Doctor-Specialist is able to evaluate this condition and guide the patient towards diagnosis and treatment.
What Can We Do About Frostbite?
Don’t be afraid to visit the Foot Doctor-Specialist if you suspect any of these serious conditions. During the winter months, it is very important for patients with systemic conditions like diabetes or neuropathy to maintain their foot health.  The patient should wear waterproof shoe gear to deal with snowy conditions, and proper socks to maintain adequate warmth for their feet.  Also,  feet should be inspected on a daily basis to check for symptoms that may cause problems.  For your own well being, make an appointment with your Foot Doctor-Specialist.
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Neuropathy Of The Feet

Neuropathy Of The Feet


What is neuropathy?


The word neuropathy is derived from 2 Greek words and it simply means pathology of the nerve, or the losing of your feelings in the nerves of your feet.  Every year many patients who have diabetes develop neuropathy, and this may cause problems with their feet. 


The symptoms of diabetic neuropathy are many, and among the most common is a feeling of numbness across the foot, and sometimes pain that comes and goes for no apparent reasons.  In the patient with diabetes, the numbness starts with the toes and then proceeds toward the rest of the foot. 


The Foot Doctor ( Podiatrist ) plays a vital role in dealing with this condition.  The person with diabetes should be evaluated by the Foot Doctor who will perform a few simple tests on the patient to determine if the patient has neuropathy.  The Foot Doctor then notifies the primary care doctor and then schedules the patient for quarterly visits for routine foot care. 


The purpose of this is to examine the patient’s feet for any sores, and to careful cut the nails and trim any corn or calluses. The patient with neuropathy is unable to feel any sores, cuts, and may trim the nails to the point of bleeding.  The patient cannot sense things as well as someone without neuropathy.


Patients with diabetes who develops neuropathy usually seeks out “cures” for this condition.  The patient may seek over the counter remedies that may work.  They may seek prescription medication to combat this problem or topical creams.  One of the newer treatment option is the use of laser therapy but this is not yet a proven treatment plan.